It Took Over a Year For Me to Consistently Make $250 a Month on Medium

Now it happens even when I barely write, here’s how.

Matilda Fairholm
4 min readApr 25, 2021
Photo by Colin Watts on Unsplash

I know.

I hate ‘how I make X on Medium’ as much as you do. I guess that’s the point.

Unless you write a ‘viral on Medium’ (not just viral) article straight out of the blocks, Medium is going to leave you disappointed and discouraged. Because, for the vast majority of us, Medium is a game of the Tortoise and the Hare.

Slow and steady truly does win the race.

I started writing on Medium in October 2019. Within two weeks I was in, what was not so affectionately referred to as curation jail. I’d had my chance, blown it, and was cast forever into the abyss, never to be chosen for curation.

Never to be read.

That was until New Years Day 2020 when out of nowhere I published this piece that was curated in five topics. Fifteen months later, it still hasn’t hit the magic $100 for an article, but it does earn at least two dollars every month with no promotion.

Screenshot of Medium stats captured by author

And therein lies the answer.



Matilda Fairholm

Writing to rescue others from the devastation of domestic abuse, and learning to live better.